Mubarak Speaks : “I am fed up, after sixty-two yers in public life, I want to go”…

Hosni Mubarak gave a thirty minute interview to ABC journalist Christiane Amanpour yesterday claiming to be fed up, after sixty-two years in public life but if he were to leave office now, there would be “chaos” in Egypt.

He went on to say that President Mubarak is a good man but he did not understand Egyptian culture, “If I stand down now, the Muslim Brotherhood will take over”.

After the interview with Mubarak, Vice President Suleiman [former head of the intelligence service] was asked what he would do if the demonstrators did not disperse from Tarhir square? He responded by saying “we will never authorise force against the people”.

Although both President Mubarak and Vice President Suleiman recognise that the people of Egypt have genuine grievances, the feel they have met these already.

Here is a link to the report:

I have to ask myself this question. Are these men for real? Does President Mubarak genuinely believe he has answered the people of Egypt’s demands for an end to the corrupt regime that has ruled the country for the past thirty years? Does Suleiman believe that state-funded violence has not already been used against the protesters in Tahrir Square?

The eyes of the world are watching and it must be clear to everyone that this is a nonsense.

Stand down now Mubarak, your time has passed.

About stevehollier

Steve Hollier is the editor of AZ Magazine, an English language lifestyle magazine based in Baku, Azerbaijan. He began his career working for a firm of stockbrokers in the City of London then went on to attend the University of Essex where he was awarded an MA in Sociology in 1984. After a career in arts and cultural development work, he became a freelance arts consultant, writer and photographer.
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